Building a Relationship with Others
7-Day Happiness Challenge
The 7-day happiness challenge encourages participants to take small steps each day to cultivate more joy and contentment in their lives. By focusing on simple activities such as gratitude, kindness, and self-care, the challenge can help people to create meaningful, lasting changes in their overall life satisfaction.
Action for Happiness
Action for Happiness is a movement of people committed to building a happier and more caring society. Get inspiration and ideas for activities that build community and improve self-care, listen to talks, get online coaching, join a group, and find courses at the Action for Happiness website.
Zen Group
Henry David Thoreau Sangha offers a welcoming space for both beginners and experienced practitioners to engage in meditation, learn mindfulness, and join a community that learns and grows together. Through online sessions and in-person retreats, Robert guides participants in cultivating awareness, compassion, and a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.
Harvard Study of Adult Development
The Harvard Study of Adult Development is an extraordinary scientific endeavor that began in 1938 and is still going strong (Waldinger is the fourth director, and Schulz its associate director). For over eight decades, the Harvard Study of Adult Development has tracked the same individuals and their families, asking thousands of questions and taking hundreds of measurements—from brain scans to blood work—with the goal of discovering what really makes for a good life.